Applies to ALL PLAYERS in the clan. All Members, Elders, Senior Elders, CFOs, CCOs and Clan Leader must follow to the rules of the clan's Standing Order:
1) Donate before you request and donate the right troops.
2) Respect and be polite to everyone in the clan.
3) No vulgarities, racisms and exchange of sex-related topics.
4) Stay active but if you need to be away for more than 7 days, apply for leave by email to the Clan Leader or CCOs.
5) Have fun, share replays and thoughts.
6) Unless you need war troops, otherwise request for troops without level requirement so that everyone gets to donate.
7) Use only English language in chat. If you really have to use other language(s) to explain certain things, please include an English translation.
8) All Clan War-goers must READ THOROUGHLY, FULLY UNDERSTAND AND ULTILIZE the details and plans stated in the Department of War Divisions & Strategies before going into battle.